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the founder of Usui Reiki


Updated: Nov 21, 2023

or My First Spiritual Initiations

One morning I woke up and these two episodes of my life flashed in my mind along with a message to be delivered...I'm pretty sure everyone has such encounters but not everyone notices subtle energies that are present or conveyed during these so-called acts of kindness.

I was at the beginning of my spiritual journey, I would say 16 years ago, and two experiences I had almost one after another...with no connection or meaning at that time...

Early morning, I was on my way to work when the old black man asked me to help him find the right path to his subway line, as he was going to the hospital for eye surgery and he didn't see very well. Despite knowing that I was going to be late, and being on time was important to me, I led the man through levels to the train line which would get him to his destination. When I was about to retreat he said, "BLESS YOU"...

I was overwhelmed... perceiving the golden light showering over me, filling me with love and bliss... he stepped on the train and disappeared from view, but I was still standing there... paralyzed by the shockwave of his BLESSING. I told this story to my family and friends, it was memorable as I have never had experiences as such.

Another episode happened a couple of months later, in springtime, we went outside to fly a kite. Even though it was sunny, the freezing wind was penetrating our bodies with chills... I was shaking to my core, and my little daughter embraced herself seeking protection from a cruel wind. In the instant, I took off my thin jacket and wrapped her in it a couple of times. She felt safe and warm after all.

To my surprise, I didn't feel the cold anymore...I was like in a warm protective blanket... no wind can go through it...

Today, as a more spiritually grown person, I certainly can say that the Divine and my Guardian Angels were (and are) looking after me, and provided comfort wrapping me with their loving wings.

These two stories are helping me to deliver today's message:


Peace and Love to All!

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I have been following Jason Shurka's work for years and watched him grow exponentially.

His new platform UNIFYD.TV one of the fastest growing video streaming platforms today with censorship-free and mind-expanding content, covering a wide range of topics, such as:

Health Science Nutrition Astrology Mysticism Spirituality Channelling

Technology Current Events Ancient History Energetic Healing Extraterrestrial life

Guided Meditations Remote Viewing and much much more...

Here are a few trailers for you to trigger your curiosity:

“Hacking the God Code”

Jason Shurka sits down with Patricia Cori to discuss her book “Hacking the God Code”. This book explores the realities of the planet right now. We are divine beings and our DNA is the architecture of divine creation. What are they trying to do by hacking OUR God code?

Find out how Patricia exposes the darkness going on in the world. Exclusively on UNIFYD TV!

“Beliefs and Stories”

“Beliefs and Stories” is a Jeff Witzeman film that will take on a roller coaster of emotions: empowerment, information, and understanding. Awareness of ourselves is how we take our power back and change this world once and for all!

"Toxic Truth about Food"

Maureen McDonald, Amy Gordon, Melony Williams present “The Toxic Truth About Food”. This lecture brings you the truth about food- how it is a powerful medicine but also can be toxic when manipulated.

Can frequency and energy heal your body? Do we have the freedom to heal the way we want to, not the way we were told to? Are there nontraditional healing methods that use technology for positive progress?

Jason Shurka sat down for an emotional and inspiring interview with Dr. Carrie Madej. After surviving a horrible plane crash, Dr. Carrie Madej shared how EESystem technology helped heal her body.

"Extraterrestrial Communication" with Brandon Bozarth is a UNIFYD TV Original Series. This 5-part series shares Brandon's stories on how he was able to communicate with and begin to channel an extraterrestrial being.

Brandon takes us on a journey of hyperintelligence, consciousness, and a direct line to something 300 years into the future.

What does an extraterrestrial have to say? And what should we be hearing?


UNIFYD.TV is spreading awareness and waking up humanity! I highly recommend to you explore this platform and start your awakening journey now.

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Peace and Love to All!

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Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Dear All,

In this stormy time, I want you to be strong and calm. The good changes on their way!

I want to emphasize, that if you put more of your energy (thoughts, emotions)in what you don't want or fear, you actually make the problem even bigger.

Remember, it is important NOT TO panic!!! or go into overwhelm for the reason that fear lowers your immunity, not to mention that it increases stress, depression and anxiety and leads you to behave irrationally. There is more chance to get sick from all of that, than from the virus itself.

Be precautious? Yes! But don’t participate in this play. Observe, do not attach to the external circumstances. Everything in this life for a reason and everything is designed that we experienced and remember who we really are...we are magnificent beings of light in human form and we create our worlds... we have a choice and free will and we can create and choose where to live, in hell or paradise. I don’t believe you want to choose hell for yourself and your loved ones? So... DO NOT CREATE IT!

My recommendation for your daily activities include:

· Turn off all media... sounds least be conscious, stay as observer do not attach, but contain your sovereign space, stay calm.

· Enjoy your life: laugh, sing, dance, do what you enjoy to do

· Raise your vibration

· Focus on your highest good and greatest good of all

· Do not feed negativity with your energy ...

· Nurture yourself with Nature and Sunshine (as much time as you can)

· Eat healthy, avoid processed food

· Sleep at least 8 hours a day

· Do an Affirmation before bed: I’m strong and I’m healthy! Put your emotions and believe in that statement. And feel it.

Collective needs your high vibes!

I'm holding the vibration of Love and Peace, what is your choice?

I love you all!

May your life be filled with Peace Harmony and Love!

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"We came to this Earth with a purpose to fullfill...

Mine is to return people to the natural state of wellbeing... Bring Peace, Harmony and Love into their lifes!"

The Five Reiki Principles

by Dr. Usui

Just for today: 

I will not worry.
I will not be angry.

I will do my work honestly.
I will give thanks for my many blessings.
I will be kind to every living thing.

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